It's 2019, marijuana should be the least of our nations worries. Marijuana has been linked to helping people who suffer from anxiety, depression, loss of apetite, chronic pain, ect. If marijuana was that big of a national issue how did it become a source of medicine for doctors? There are many common misconceptions about marijuana being a "gateway drug". If you are born with an addictive personality you are more likely than the average person to abuse certain substances. Putting the spotlight solely on marijuana claiming it will lead to a failure of our society, is unfair and contains no background evidence. Saying marijuana would harm our economy is far from the truth. It is predicted that marijuana legalization could produce up to 28 billion in yearly tax revenue. It's important to educate yourself on what marijuana is and what it can do for you.


  1. I completely agree that in our modern day, marijuana should not be a concern. Marijuana is scientifically proven to be less dangerous than BOTH alcohol and tobacco, both of which are legal and regulated. Why is it that the government will allow us to harm our bodies with the powerful toxins in alcohol and tobacco, but prohibit the use of marijuana which is proven to help a multitude of health problems? The common misconception of marijuana being a "gateway drug" is simply an excuse from people who advocate against it. From 2014-2017 in Colorado, recreational marijuana sales went from $303 million to $1.1 billion, so the argument that it would harm the economy is simply incorrect. Since 2014, recreational marijuana has substantially aided Colorado's economy and has created countless job opportunities.


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