The article, "Trump says white nationalism is not a rising threat after New Zealand attacks: Its a small group of people." The authors, Colby Itkowitz and John Wagner from the Washington Post examine Trump's statements following the 49 Muslims that were massacred in New Zealand. Both authors are highly credited with a political science degree and over a decade of experience in journalism. Trump's commentary regarding his opinions of, if white supremacy was a threat around the world, he responded “I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. It’s certainly a terrible thing.” The mosque shooter who made the attacks targeting muslims mentioned Trump in a manifesto that expressed his feelings towards Trump explaining that he is "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose." The man who killed 49 muslims is calling out our president applauding him and recognizing him as an important figure for the white nationalist community. If this doesn't scare you, you aren't paying enough attention. The intended audience the authors want to gear this article towards is the entire world. White supremacy is not just an American issue but America needs to take more responsibility for the way other countries follow in their lead. 
